
Retired NFL referee Jerry Markbreit, talks about how to determine what is a pass and what is a fumble. Retired NFL referee Jerry Markbreit, talks about what the referee does when two officials have conflicting calls with one another and won’t back down. Retired NFL referee Jerry Markbreit, talks about how to sound competent and […]

“Don’t Talk To My Kids!” Ever heard that shouted from the sideline? Coaches don’t want officials coaching their players. They do want officials to help their players avoid dumb penalties. How do you walk that line and make sure the game is played the way it’s supposed to be played? Here’s my situation: The high school team

No one has ever attempted to rank fouls in the order of the difficulty in calling them. However, it’s clear there is a pecking order. For example, encroachment is easier to call than holding. There are some fouls that are understandably called inconsistently, primarily because it’s often difficult for a single official to see everything

Communication between officials and coaches is extremely important and is an essential element of a properly officiated game. Most coaches identify good communication as the single most important attribute of an official. There are limits, however. Being able to recognize when not to engage is as important as knowing what and when to have proper

Trying to manage a football game would be nearly impossible without effective and pointed communication. Although managing players is primarily the responsibility of the coaching staff, officials can facilitate the conduct of the game if specific officials manage certain players. To do that, officials must talk with players frequently. There are a few special relationships and here are the most notable ones. Referee/Quarterback The referee’s first

T his month’s issue marks the 30th anniversary of my first contribution to Referee. So here is my original piece updated and enhanced. There are several elements to correctly enforcing a penalty. The first is to accurately identify a foul. If there is no foul, there cannot be a penalty. Properly recognizing a foul falls

Late in the fourth quarter, the home team was up, 16-14, and the visitors lined up at the 25 yardline for what would almost certainly be the game-winning field goal. But wait … the kick was blocked. The ball was immediately scooped up by an agile defender from the home team who ran uncontested to

The attitude officials have when they walk onto the field will determine in part the success they may or may not enjoy in officiating that day. Attitude is likely most often thought of as a disposition or feeling with regard to a person or an object ranging from extremely negative to extremely positive. It certainly

1. Playing Through the Back A defender cannot come over a receiver’s back to try to play a pass. Be careful not to penalize a defender who actually gets around the side of the receiver to bat down or perhaps even intercept a pass. From the wrong vantage point, it can look like early contact

1. Playing Through the Back A defender cannot come over a receiver’s back to try to play a pass. Be careful not to penalize a defender who actually gets around the side of the receiver to bat down or perhaps even intercept a pass. From the wrong vantage point, it can look like early contact